Specializing in Energy Efficient Solutions for Buildings

VGH Child Care and Skin Care Centre Condensing Boiler Upgrades

    VGH Skin Care Centre New Aerco Condensing Boiler New Aerco Condensing Boiler New Aerco 600 MBH Condensing Boiler to Replace Teledyne Laars Atmospheric VGH Kids In General Existing Boiler (pre retrofit) New Boiler

Client: Vancouver General Hospital
Venue: Child Care Centre and Skin Care Centre
Year: 2011
Type: Health Care

Skin Care Centre

Skin Care Centre boiler upgrade was done in 2011. This 600 MBH Aerco Condensing boiler replaced an atmospheric 1,000 MBH boiler which largely served the main air handling unit in the building. Control strategy was implemented to optimize boiler temperature for condensing whenever possible. Air handling unit outdoor air fraction was optimized for energy savings and allowed downsizing of boiler.

Thanks to Lockerbie and Hole for the installation work, VGH for assistance, Murray Mechanical and Fortis for the boiler and generous incentive!


Child Care Centre (Kids in General)

The VGH Child Care Centre (Kids In General) condensing boiler upgrade was done in 2012. The new Viessmann 380 MBH boiler was installed to replace existing mid efficient legacy boiler and new controls and zone heating and ventilation strategy was employed. Energy reductions for fuel are proven at over 47%.  

Thanks to Chapman Burner and ESC Automation for the installation work and VGH for assistance and also Veismann for the equipment and Fortis.