Specializing in Energy Efficient Solutions for Buildings

City of Richmond - Watermania Aquatic Facility - Energy Efficiency Projects

    New 3.5 MMBH Lead Condensing Boiler New Wave Pool Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger New Domestic Hot Water Heat Exchanger.  Able to maintain tank temperatures at higher loads with lower hot water supply temperatures.

Client: City of Richmond BC
Venue: Watermania
Year: 2015-2018
Type: Government, Commercial/Industrial

Watermania is a large aquatic facility operated by the City of Richmond BC, at 14300 Entertainment Blvd.  In 2015, E-Factor and Anthony Jones & Associates (AJA)  completed a Fortis Commercial Custom Design study to identify energy and operational retrofits designed to reduce greenhouse gases and optimize the operation of an existing heat recovery chiller used for reclaimed heating use.

This complex site offered many challenges and opportunities.   As a result of the study, and upon extensive review of design and operation, conservation measures were selected including the replacement of one of a non-condensing boiler with a condensing boiler and converting the plant from constant to variable water flow to ensure operation at low flow and low return water temperatures.   The new boiler, Vitocrossal CA-3 3500 MBH, was recently introduced by Viessmann Mfg in 2016.  To further reduce fuel use more measures completed include: 

  • New heat exchanger was installed to heat the large Wave Pool with reclaimed heat. (2017)
  • Whirlpool heat exchangers upgraded to 2-way control to reduce flow rates and return water temperatures. (2018)
  • Domestic hot water system heat exchanger replaced to increase capacity, improve heat transfer, and reduce boiler water temperatures for increased efficiency. (2018)
  • Replace and upsize Heat recovery piping system to allow more water to flow to remote heat recovery coils. (2019)
  • Heat Recovery chiller plant is being optimized to increase use for pool heating.